Are You Suffering From Burnout?

In today's fast paced world it is easy for us to let the pressures of daily living get on top of us. Holding a job together to pay the bills, meeting importan...

Written BY

Neil Sunley

Hypnotherapist in Beverley

Hypnosis (MHyp) Hypnotherapy ( DHyp) GHR registered
CBT Practitioner
MSc Psychology student
AFN Nutrition Advisor
EFT (Tapping) Practitioner
Master Instructor Premier Martial Arts
Black Belt Founder, Elite Self Defence

In today's fast paced world it is easy for us to let the pressures of daily living get on top of us. Holding a job together to pay the bills, meeting important deadlines, finding time for the children and addressing their needs, maintaining and growing a close relationship... on top of that we are pressured to keep our body and mind in good order by eating a certain way and taking gym classes.

Look at your phone or switch on the TV and the negative effects of 24 hour news and brand advertising builds even more pressure. So if you let it in, the symptoms of stress can build up slowly in the background and can lead to burnout.

You may start to feel the following effects...

Self Neglect: This is when you feel helpless, incompetent or unable to keep up with the daily demands you face, whether at work or home. This type of burnout can start with demotivation and passivity.

Overloaded: Is when your goal-getting mindset means that you don’t let anything stop you in the search for success. For example, you are willing to risk your personal life and health in order to achieve the pinnacle of your career.

Underwhelmed: If you feel bored, underappreciated, under-stimulated and under-challenged, you can end up distancing yourself from work and not being able to enjoy the activities you used to love. You may avoid responsibility and ultimately have an overwhelming sense of disengagement and helplessness

What Are The Symptoms?

Burnout is when you feel completely exhausted, you may suffer from frequent headaches and illness such as colds or flu more than usual due to the weakening of your immune system. Focusing on normal daily tasks will seem difficult and take longer to complete.

Your sleep will be affected in a way where you may find yourself waking up in the night with thoughts of the previous or up coming day buzzing constantly around your head.

The Road Back

Suffering from acute burnout can seem like there is no cure, however the first thing to understand is your inner self is simply letting you know that enough is enough and if you continue down this same path you could do some real damage. So with that in mind you have to take massive action no matter how tired you feel.

Prioritise 30 minutes every day to go for a walk somewhere peaceful and safe where you can just let go of your thoughts and notice what is around you in the present (try not to look at your phone!)

Begin a daily activity diary where you schedule positive 'you time' such as meeting a friend for a catch up, going to the cinema, museum or theatre by yourself.

Thirdly begin to cultivate a mindset of acceptance, this will take the pressure off you in a big way. Understand that circumstances are present at that time (The traffic, the crowd of people, news events...) and you cannot control them! So accept them, even if you don't agree with them.

If you think you may be suffering from burnout or stress and would like more information on how to overcome the issue, I offer a free consultation simply drop me a line:

Further Reading
Hypnotherapy for Public Speaking
Overcome your fear of public speaking at My Soul Coach
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Hpnosis and Hypnotherapy Course
Learn hypnosis and hypnotherapy from me and benefit from nearly quarter of a century of my knowledge in the field.
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